Buy Grass-Fed Beef

If you are looking for beef that’s ethically sourced and full of flavor, shop for grass-fed beef. Grass-fed beef is beef from cattle raised on grass their entire lives and not fed any grain or other concentrates. 

Because of this, grass-fed beef has a rich flavor that works well in all types of recipes. This type of beef is a testament to the importance of consuming animal products in a more ethical, natural manner.

Your One-Stop Shop for Premium Grass-Fed Beef

If you want grass-fed beef products, shop Thomas Farms’ selection. Founded in 1988 by Australian grassroots ranchers, we have sought to provide grass-fed, pasture-raised meats for our customers since the beginning. 

Thomas Farms believes in a commitment to compassion and care for our animals, ensuring they are humanely raised in an environment that is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. That’s why we source our meat from farmers who uphold these ethical standards and ensure their animals live as nature intended. 

We are proud to supply you with a quality beef product backed by ethical farming standards. Browse our grass-fed beef online today or look for our Thomas Farms label in stores. 

Why Grass-Fed Beef Is Better For You And Your Family

So why choose grass-fed beef over alternative options? Here are some reasons why this beef is a healthier choice for you and your family:

Nutrient Composition: Compared to grain-fed beef, studies show that grass-fed beef is higher in vitamins A and E, as well as other antioxidants. Grass-fed beef is also higher in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health. 

Absence of Added Hormones and Antibiotics: Grass-fed beef is often produced without the use of added hormones and antibiotics. 

Richer flavor: Grass-fed beef is often said to have a richer flavor than grain-fed beef. This is because grass-fed beef is higher in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid that gives beef its flavor.

Happier cows: Grass-fed cows can roam freely and graze on grass, which is their natural diet. This means they are less stressed and have a better quality of life.

Better for the environment: Grass-fed beef production is better for the environment than grain-fed beef production because grass-fed cows require less land and water and produce fewer greenhouse gasses.

Order Grass-Fed Beef Now!

Are you ready to add Thomas Farms grass-fed beef to your kitchen? Browse our website to find grass-fed beef, lamb products, Halal-certified meats, and more. 

When you order from our website, your frozen meat will be sent right to your doorstep. Then, you can enjoy the fresh taste that comes from ethically sourced animal products.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Look for the label: Look for the label "grass-fed" or "100% grass-fed" on the package. This is the most reliable way to know that the meat was raised on grass.

Ask the butcher: If you are unsure whether the meat is grass-fed, you can always ask the butcher. They should be able to tell you whether the meat was raised on grass or not.

Look at the color: Grass-fed beef is typically darker in color than grain-fed beef. This is because grass-fed beef has more myoglobin, a protein that gives meat its color.

Look at the fat marbling: Grass-fed beef has less fat marbling than grain-fed beef. This is because grass-fed cows have a different diet than grain-fed cows, which affects the amount of fat in their meat.

There are a few reasons why grass-fed beef is more expensive than grain-fed beef.

It takes longer to raise grass-fed cattle. Grass-fed cattle take longer to reach market weight than grain-fed cattle. This is because grass is a less energy-dense food than grain.

Grass-fed cattle require more land. Grass-fed cattle require more land than grain-fed cattle. This is because grass-fed cattle need to graze on pasture, which takes up more space than feedlots.

While this option comes at a higher price, grass is a cow’s natural diet, and the animals live longer, stress-free lives when they are ethically raised.

Grass-fed beef is often described to have a more heavy, richer taste due to the difference in the animal's diet.